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Gardening for Health: The Boost Your Mental Health Needs Now!

Starting a garden has been proven to bring mental health benefits alongside a great plot of fresh veggies or your favorite flowers. If feeling more at peace is what you need in your life, then this is for you.

Connecting with nature, getting your hands dirty, and seeing your hard work pay off is the first layer of positive impacts gardening holds.

As we dig deeper into the effects of gardening, this will be a hobby you won’t stop bragging about!

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Now let’s get down to business, shall we?

In five dummy proof steps, you’ll know exactly how to start your garden while learning the mental benefits you’ll gain in the process.

Let’s start plotting your garden and mental growth.

Plant a Garden You’re Proud Of.

1. Decide What to Grow

The gardening world is an exciting new adventure that will have you digging deeper as you gain more confidence. You have so many options on what to start planting. This will be a big decision. Don’t worry — we’ve got you covered.

Important factors to keep in mind are the time of year you decide to start gardening, the amount of space you have available, and what interests you the most.

If you’re living in an NYC studio or have roommates, you won’t be committing to start growing an avocado tree — you can start small. The best place to start is to think about all your favorite herbs you use regularly. An herb garden grows beautifully next to some of your favorite flowers. 🌷

The best part is you’ll be saving time and energy investing into growing a garden around what you use the most of, and most importantly, what will bring you joy.

Gardening Tip #1: You don’t want this relaxing weekend activity to be stressful. The bigger the garden the more stress it’ll bring, which isn’t what we’re attracting. Big or small it will be equally as rewarding! Start with what makes the most sense for you.

2. Decide your ideal garden location

A good rule of thumb when picking a spot for your soon-to-be zen garden escape is that most veggies and plants need at least 6–8 hours of sunlight each day.

If you’re limited on space, there is no need to panic. Make sure to pick plants that don’t require much sunlight. 🙂

To get started visit your local garden store or nursery. They’ll help point you in the right direction in picking the right plants, soil, and pots. Take a minute and be sure to ask for helpful tips and tricks. You’ll be in good hands.

3. Buy beginner-friendly gardening tools

We’ve made sure that getting everything you need is easy and doesn’t overwhelm you mentally 🧘🏻 or financially. 💸

The result to look forward to is showing some TLC to Mother Earth and experiencing a boost in mental health.

Buying simple tools is a must and avoids breaking the bank. Check out these must-have beginner-friendly gardening tools:

  • Dirt Rake

  • Gardening gloves

  • Kneel Pad

  • Water Hose

  • Garden Shovel

  • 2–3 plant pots (mix and match sizes to have options)

Gardening Tip #2: Can you think of a better way to start a group and expand your circle of friends? Glad you agree! Talk to your neighbors, or local nurseries, or create your own community group.

Starting a community garden is the perfect way to give back to your neighborhood, and having the kids learn great skills.

4. Spending time in your garden

Gardening is a physical activity you’ll be growing addicted to.

Did you know people who spend time in nature regularly are known to take in deeper breaths?

Breathing in deeper benefits in improving digestion, immune system response, and increasing oxygen levels.

It doesn’t end there. Being out in the sun increases Vitamin D levels, which is critical for bone strength and supports your immune system.

Wait… there’s more!

The mental benefits of spending time in your garden will reduce your stress levels, increase your mood, and lower levels of anxiety.

Now you can clearly see why gardening is so popular. What’s not to love?

5. Enjoying the fruits of your labor

The life-changing physical and mental health benefits aren’t the only reward that will keep on giving — your veggies and fruits will also!

Growing what you use the most in your garden will improve your diet.

This can be those cute cherry tomatoes or your favorite herbs for meal-prep Sundays. Gardeners who grow and harvest what is produced live a healthier and balanced diet.

Enriching your life by consuming the food you grow is the ultimate 2023 flex.

Garden Tip #3: Harvesting can be tricky. Once you get the hang of things it’s worth it in the long run. Make sure you plant what’s in season. Once you have an abundance of organic goodies make sure to preserve and harvest at its peak. This keeps everything fresh and enjoyable all year round.

Close your eyes for a moment, and imagine what you’d envision as your calming greenery oasis. One that brings you peace internally while nourishing you physically.

Now that you envisioned it, let’s make it a reality!

The best part is you’ll be in the comfort of your own home, and you don’t need to be a mini Martha Stewart to get started reaping the rewards.

Let’s end it with a little food for thought (no pun intended)

You’ll be working towards a brighter day and future for yourself. You’ll be diving into a new weekend activity and nourishing yourself from the inside out.

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