Personal Wellness Copywriter

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Entrepreneurial Overload - Send Help!

It’s been 6 months since I blindly took a leap of faith and started my personal wellness copywriting business.

It’s been an investment that I’ve yet to see the profit from, but I’m focused and manifesting that things this year begin to take off.

To help me focus I’m a big believer in limiting who I follow on social media. With an overload of information constantly posted feeling overwhelmed happens often.

Yet it’s SO hard to ignore the constant catchphrases -

  • “Make $10k a month with this easy strategy”

  • “Work 2–3 hours a day with digital marketing”

  • “Blog from Bali writing about topics you love”

  • “How I got 1k followers in 30 days”

  • “How I made $500 on Medium”

These clickbait hooks capture my attention like what light does to a fly. Then of course the algorithms keep feeding me the same content so I slip deeper into a rabbit hole of confusion.

Questioning my brand, content, posting frequency, and even trending audio. I can go on and on.

I can't be alone?… Please tell me I’m not alone in feeling this way.

If this resonates with you — Keep reading. If you’ve figured it out, help a girl out, would ya?

Changing the approach to the 3 key topics below got me back on the right track and ready to tackle 2024!

Stick To The Plan

With so much free advice out there, I constantly feel like I’m doing things the “wrong” way.

Reminder — 🎯

Everyone’s journey in business especially looks different. There is no one-size-fits-all guide to follow.

Deciding on an approach and sticking with it has been a game-changer. Your approach needs to make sense for you and nobody else.

Don’t over-commit trying to do so many things at once. That’ll make you feel like you're never getting anything done.

Focusing on your priorities in smaller sections will take your business to the next level. Once you’re in the rhythm of things you’ll focus on tackling the next set of priorities and goals for your business.

Set yourself up for success — not failure.

Every Win Counts

Especially the small ones!

My Instagram and Medium accounts grew at a steady pace, now each closer to 200 followers. Every 10 or 20 new followers gained I make sure to recognize and appreciate.

I may not have a steady stream of income… yet from my side hustle but I have collaborated with an amazing mental health coach. We marketed a wellness challenge and received great feedback. How badass is that?

If I compared my wins with someone else who's more established I’d be setting myself up to be sad and disappointed. It’s 2024 and we’re not doing that.

Comparison is the thief of joy.

Stay focused on what you’re doing right vs. what others are doing. Make sure you're celebrating your milestones.

You’re worth it.

It’s a Marathon, Not a Race

When you sit back and envision where how great your business will be, do you attach a timeframe to that?

Highly doubt it.

There’s no rush trying to zoom past and end up at the final destination. The journey and experiences along the way are what matters most especially in the baby stages of entrepreneurial life.

There’s not much fun when you're in the thick of it, and I’m not here to try and paint you a different picture.

But I’m here to tell you that everything learned, applied and the continuing evolvement has been a rewarding experience.

Where I was in May 2023 is far from where my business is today.

And that is the beauty of it.

All those small steps that felt unimportant add up to significant changes over time.

My goal this year is to continue sticking with it. One step at a time.

Continuing to invest in myself, implement changes, and inch my way forward.

What do you spend so much time overthinking about?! — Just do it. ✔️

Putting action behind those thoughts is the only thing that’ll prove it’s not so scary after all.

PS: Confession Time 🤫

I haven’t started cold emailing or sending DMs. I’ve preoccupied myself with perfecting my website and downplaying my skills.

Don’t make this mistake. I’ll be going full throttle in prioritizing landing clients.

What’s going to be your primary focus?! Comment and share.