10 Life-Changing Minutes of Positive Self-Talk You Need

Welcome back, beautiful soul! This is blog# 5 of the challenge. You’ve been crushing this challenge by showing up for yourself, getting out of your comfort zone, and trying new things! You’re ahead of the game.

Ben and I are so sad to see the challenge coming to an end soon 😭, but the fun doesn’t need to stop!

Start by sharing this valuable challenge with your loved ones, extending it for another few weeks, or reaching out to Ben on Insta for one-on-one guidance with a mental health coach.

Question for you… 🤔

How many times have you said to yourself:

“You’re so stupid”

“Why can’t I be smart enough to figure it out”

“I don’t deserve to be happy”

“Who would ever believe that I can do this”?

“My parents/friends were right, I am going to fail”


Inner dialogue is the way we speak to ourselves on a daily basis. Your mind is a non-stop machine going through the natural ups and downs of your day.

How do you react when you’re under stress, making a mistake, feeling sad, etc.?

Negative and critical statements repeated over and over again train your subconscious mind to believe all these discouraging statements to be true.

Which feeds your insecurities and the search for self-validation from everyone around you — even strangers who don’t even know the real you.

The change starts with you — It always does, and always will.

Have you stood in front of the mirror and found yourself overwhelmed with self-doubt, shame, and negative thoughts? We’ve all been there.

But what if I told you that by engaging in positive self-talk, you’ll unlock a world of confidence and self-empowerment?

Yes, it’s true!

Today, we’re diving into the art of positive self-talk in the mirror and discovering how it will transform your life.

Get ready to embrace your reflection with love and embark on a journey of self-discovery!❣️

  1. The Magic of Positive Self-Talk

Picture this — You’re standing in front of the mirror and instead of scrutinizing your flaws, you begin showering yourself with words of affirmation. Replacing self-criticism with positivity, you nurture a healthier mindset and boost your self-esteem.

Positive self-talk is a catalyst for personal growth, empowering you to overcome challenges, build resilience, and reach new heights of self-belief.

Let’s learn how to harness your magic! ✨

2. Embracing Your Uniqueness

Look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate the unique qualities that make you unique. Celebrating your strengths, quirks, and achievements is a powerful tool that will improve your internal dialogue immediately.

Remind yourself that there’s no one else quite like you in this world, and that’s extraordinary.

Embracing your uniqueness breeds self-acceptance and you’ll radiate authenticity in every aspect of your life.

3. Affirmations For a Radiant You

Now, it’s time to sprinkle your mirror sessions with affirmations that uplift and inspire.

Repeating positive statements to yourself will be uncomfortable and weird at first — Don’t let that awkwardness stop you from moving forward with self-love affirmations.

You can pick any statement starting with “I” — these are some of my favorites:

👉🏼 “I am confident”

👉🏼 “I am capable”

👉🏼 “I am deserving of love and happiness”

Affirmations act as powerful reminders of your full potential and help rewire your brain to focus on the positive aspects of your being.

Self-Love Tip: Mel Robbins is a powerhouse motivational speaker that I have been following on social media, podcasts, and her books. The High Five Habit is an incredible easy-to-follow book.

The more you practice, the stronger your self-belief becomes!

Mirror, Mirror — A Best Friend in Disguise 🪞

Consider your reflection in the mirror as a trusted confidant — a friend who listens without judgment. Pour out your thoughts, dreams, and aspirations while looking yourself in the eye.

Using this intimate moment to express gratitude for the person you are becoming reinforces the commitment you made to personal growth.

Your reflection is a symbol of self-love and support, always ready to cheer you on. 🥳

Bonus: Mirror, Mirror Mini Challenge! Starting today, commit to spending a few minutes every day in front of the mirror, practicing affirmations, and expressing gratitude to your awesome self.

Encourage all your closest friends, family members, and loved ones to join.

Let’s create a ripple effect of self-love and empowerment!

The reflection in the mirror is not an enemy waiting to critique your every flaw — it’s a canvas for self-discovery and a gateway to personal transformation.

With positive self-talk, you’re nurturing a loving relationship with yourself, which is the best relationship to focus on!

Let your inner light shine bright like a diamond.💎

Share your amazing experience with us and how the past five days have been for you. Hearing about your success is the ultimate goal!

To continue your success make sure you follow my Medium account and make sure to check out Ben Meyers Insta account for daily tips on mental health!

Two follows that will instantly boost you up! 🚀

Follow + Share + Comment = Next Level Personal Wellness Glow Up 💫


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