Maximize Your Health Now in Just 25 Minutes

Today we’re breaking a common myth that’s spread as quickly as wildfire through the social media health cult of influencers.

The idea that a workout needs to be an over-the-top routine + 5x a week, and 1-hour long… is w r o n g. ❌

With 6 ridiculously easy steps, you’ll learn all about the life-changing benefits you’ll gain in 25 minutes.

Let’s kick things off. 🚀

1. Boost Energy, Elevate Mood

After having a hard time staying consistent with my workouts a good friend once told me:

“There is never a workout that you regret — Just have to get started”

Who knew fourteen simple words would instantly put things into a crystal clear perspective?

Immediately the overthinking thoughts faded into a distant memory.

Hyper-focusing on the important factors allows your consistency to flow with ease.

“What are these important factors?” you’re probably thinking — We got you!

  • Setting yourself up for success — Decide the day before what your workout will be, and what time you’ll start, and hype yourself up for it.

  • Stop stressing about the calories burned or heart rate — This is helpful, but it isn’t a direct measure to determine a ‘good workout’.

  • Go with the flow — You don’t feel like jumping around in your HIT class or being cooped up in a gym? It’s all good 🙂 Go for a walk, hike, or run. Be one with nature.

In the same 25 minutes you would’ve started another Dateline episode you’ll be experiencing something better — An instant energy boost and uplifted mood. 🤗

2. Sharpens Your Mind

Trust and believe that ‘Mom brain’ is a real thing!

So are unavoidable life stressors like — parenting, bills, work, health, debt, etc.

Your mental clarity is heavily affected by the day-to-day struggles, you’re facing just trying to by, and working hard to improve.

Finding 25 minutes for yourself can feel daunting to do — It shouldn’t be.

Let’s reframe that together.

You’ll be…

  • Less than half an hour away from a clearer mind

  • Less than half an hour away focusing on the positive in your life

  • Less than half an hour away feeling mentally lighter

  • Less than half an hour away positively impacting your mental health

So what’s stopping you?

Improve your memory, focus, and cognitive function with short yet powerful daily workouts. 💪

3. Shed Pounds, Stay Fit

Your health and fitness goals shouldn’t be the same as Sue down from the street or that Cross Fit coach you follow on Instagram for inspo.

Take the time to write down your goals, and what’s most important to you.

Once you’re all set — Start envisioning how you’re going to crush those goals in no time! Picture yourself doing this step by step. How happy you’ll feel, the pictures you’ll be taking with full confidence!

Consistency is the common denominator to achieving your success.

Pro Tip: Slow and steady wins the race. Weight loss pills or ‘magic’ tea won’t help you in the long run. You’re in this for long-term health and gainz. 💪

Burn calories, manage your weight, and maintain a healthy physique effortlessly with a consistent 25-minute exercise routine.

4. Strengthen Your Heart, Boost Vitality

Heart health is crucial for a long healthy life. Your heart is a top priority to improve your odds of living an active lifestyle as you age gracefully.

Harvard Heart Health Fun Fact — “Given the heart’s never-ending workload, it’s a wonder it performs so well, for so long, for so many people. But it can also fail, brought down by a poor diet and lack of exercise, smoking, infection, unlucky genes, and more.

Cardiovascular health = An increase in endurance and feeling stronger and more vibrant each and every day.

5. Disease Defense

Washington Post reported in the largest case study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine that only 11 minutes lowers your risk of premature death by 25%.

Your excuses for 25 minutes being impossible immediately vanish knowing how beneficial 11 minutes will be in your life.

Start with a handful of minutes building consistency and discipline. In no time your endurance grows and you’ll be exercising for 25–30 minutes.

6. Longevity and Well-being

Imagine you are 68 years old, waiting for your doctor to walk in and tell you about your annual checkup results:

You: In the office, you wait patiently — The door opens and you see the doc.

Doctor: I’m impressed by your results! Your heart and lung health is just as healthy as a 30-year-old’s.

You: Thanks Doc! The benefits of living an active lifestyle are paying off for me.

How badass of a convo would that be to have?

AARP reported a recent study completed showing men and women in their 70s as healthy as those thirty years younger — The success given to consistent exercise.

Your healthier, happier self awaits 🌼

Embrace a healthier, more fulfilling future with a simple daily commitment.

The transformative impact on your energy, mood, physique, and well-being will speak for itself for years to come.

Ready to stop procrastinating? Commit to your mental health journey now. Reach out to Ben on Insta to strategize your road to mental health success.

You don’t want to miss blog #3 for the mental health breakthrough you need in your life today!

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