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Optimize Your Mental Health Game With 4 Simple Steps

A rock-solid mental health care routine is a major flex of a habit to practice and build on.

Once upon a time prioritizing your mental health and spreading mental health awareness was a taboo topic that was kept hidden far away like that Furby you received on Christmas as a kid. In the present day, mental health and well-being are spoken about loudly and proudly.

As a major advocate for everything surrounding mental health, we’re giving you four super simple and effective exercises to include in your daily routine. So you can have an unshakable state of mind. Having a downpact skincare, exercise, and mental health routine is a must for everyone.

We know you want to feel and look good on the outside — but the inside matters just as much.

Let’s get started on your four must-have mental health exercises. 🙂

1. Exercise

There are so many benefits to maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The good news is that exercise doesn’t have to be CrossFit, boot camps, or even spending thousands in hiring a personal trainer. On days you can’t make it to the gym, walking at least 30 minutes can be enough. With a goal of reaching 7,800 steps in a day already puts you ahead of the game!

WebMD reported that the benefits of walking will:

  • Improve sleep

  • Relieve stress

  • Boost energy

  • Promotes weight loss

Getting up for a walk more often will kick start your mental health routine, decrease your stress, and help you sleep better. Instant gratification will be a sure way to keep you moving and make this a must-do during your day.

Just remember: 30-minute walks aiming for 3x times a week or more will have you on a mental cloud of happiness.

2. Journaling

Do you often deal with pestering thoughts that can feel like they stay on constant replay for hours, days, or even weeks? If you do, don’t feel bad — you’re not alone, my friend.

Everyone is walking around with an unbearable load of thoughts. Imagine dragging around a heavy bowling ball all day, now picture that heaviness in your mind? Cringy right?

Letting out that mental load by writing down all the heavy emotions and thoughts is a life-changing routine. By taking action of physically writing these thoughts you are giving yourself permission to release all the negativity and bad energy that has been consuming and living rent-free in your mind.

The science behind journaling is so simple and effective it will have you thinking, “Why didn’t I start doing this sooner?” Taking action in writing down those negative thoughts you are interrupting the thought pattern your mind has been constantly playing for you.

It takes time and practice, but you can totally control those thoughts and make them work for you, not against you.

A great approach to this would be setting a timer for 5–10 minutes and just writing down anything that comes to mind. Doesn’t matter what it is, don’t hold yourself back.

This exercise will give you the chance to see your worst fears, problems, and concerns right in front of you. You can keep track of how occurring the thoughts are and figure out what triggers them. Most fears or concerns will be figured out or have a resolution.

After a few journal entries, you will get the hang of it in no time.

Fun Tip: A great morning mindset is writing down your intention for that day and what you are grateful for. This creates a positive attitude first thing in the morning which will follow you the entire day.

3. Meditation

Don’t you love science-backed facts? It shows you how an action is proven to work. Meditation is a practice that has been around longer than you can imagine.

We can all relate to Julia Roberts in the hit movie Eat, Pray, Love when she finds herself incapable of meditating and quieting her mind. It is not an easy task, but just like the movie it is possible with effort and consistency.

The theme today is simple and effective, and that is what we are sticking with.

Start by finding a quiet space, carving out 5–10 minutes to be alone, and being in a comfortable position is all you’ll need. There are a few options you can try:

  • Sitting with your eyes closed

  • Focusing on a specific object

  • Sitting in silence

  • Even chanting a mantra

This is a great time to find or make up an affirmation that resonates with you. Self-love affirmations are going to be your new best friend.

You decide what will work best for you. There is no right or wrong approach.

Healthline reported twelve science-backed benefits of meditation. These are the top 5 favorite benefits that will have you running to a room and locking the door so you can start meditating ASAP:

  • Promotes emotional health

  • Reduces anxiety

  • Can generate kindness

  • Improves sleep

  • Enhances self-awareness

Starting on your meditation journey can’t get any easier. These benefits are just the start, you’ll be a meditating guru in no time.

4. Therapy

For so many years speaking with a therapist was socially frowned upon. This left many feeling judged and shamed for seeking help. Imagine being the talk of the town because you are reaching out for your own mental well-being. Being self-aware of your mental health makes you a rockstar!

Today, the options for finding a therapist are endless. Speaking to a licensed professional is a game-changing approach to take. It’s a huge benefit for mental health and maintaining a positive state of mind.

Again, there is no right or wrong way to approach therapy. You can decide to visit a therapist once a week, once a month, or every three months. Finding a professional has never been this easy. It is just as simple as looking for the best local restaurant.

Here are a few ideas on where to start finding a therapist:

  • Go through their insurance company — they can provide recommendations.

  • Take advantage of phone applications or websites that match you with a therapist.

  • Find a local community page for someone near you.

Tip: If money or even your opinion towards therapy doesn’t make this an option, you can confide with someone you trust. A friend, family member, or even colleague. The only requirement needed is being a great listener.

The opportunities are endless, and the next steps are in your hands to take charge of your mental health journey now.

Start Your Mental Health Journey Today

These four simple exercises are a sure way to give you a rush of excitement and a confidence boost. Everyone’s mental health journey and routine are not the same — and that is the best part.

You are in charge and call the shots. These four must-dos will have you getting started in the direction or give your current mental well-being routine an extra boost. 🙂

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