The Mind of a 35-Year-Old Grouch!

The Aftermath of Dramatic Societal Shifts.

Being a member of society is draining.

There, I said it.

I’m running on empty every time I have to drive somewhere, witness the stupidity I see at the gym, and find the patience to ignore the lack of common sense while running errands.

Shit, being bothered by clients at work is triggering… 😵‍💫

Can you relate?! Or is this aNikki, you're the problemsituation?

I can easily blame the COVID era, but if I’m honest it started before that and flared during and after the pandemic.

“But I wasn’t always like this, how the hell did I get here?” I repeat to myself.

My answer…

It’s a mix of working from home these past few years plus the pandemic aftermath.

COVID shattered and reshaped our day-to-day lives transforming how we interact and tolerate others.

A few years later we’re still adapting to a new normal alongside a new set of worldly problems.

The pandemic’s hell-like challenges shifted how we socialize and coexist with others.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m beyond grateful to have been working from home and not stressed about losing my job during the pandemic.

But the once-appreciated 40 hours of weekly solitude has killed my tolerance for everyone outside my front door.

I still work from home and changing my mindset to who Nikki was pre-pandemic has been challenging.

I went from being a social butterfly to being caught and trapped in a mason jar.

It’s no wonder why so many continue to struggle with mental health issues.

Despite my annoyance with society the majority of the time, I recognize that I need to make a genuine effort to do better for my well-being.

That’s me taking accountability 😉

My Point Is This -

Society’s changed and the pandemic certainly kick-started that momentum along with the shitstorm that surrounded it, politically, economically, and spiritually.

The life we live today post-COVID isn’t the same life we used to live.

And that’s depressing AF!

We’ve endured and survived the best way we could. And continue to pick up the pieces.

The world needs more friendly smiles and less eye-rolling.

A daily wave hello and a warm smile is my goal!

We can all put in effort to create a positive shift. It’s worth a shot — Lord knows humanity needs it.

A big reason why I decided on this approach is simple- I’m too young to walk around with a downer attitude and perspective.

I rather radiate positive vibes than a ‘don’t F with me’ attitude.

Can you relate to feeling this way also? let me know, if you have any advice that can help- I’m here for it.💡


Mental ‘Cold’ Remedy.


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